If I was prime minister by Beck and Robin Feiner

ABC Books, 2018. ISBN 9780733338953
(Age: 7+) Recommended. Themes: Prime ministers, Leaders. Beginning
with a few words about why Australia is great, then going on to tell
us about what a prime minister does and how many we have had since
Federation, the book takes a corner and asks various young people
what they would do if they became prime minister, the aim being that
any prime minister should make Australia as good as it can be.
Each page is dedicated to displaying one child's idea of how a prime
minister could make changes, and unsurprisingly they are all very
similar to the aims of adults, but told in a very different way.
Many of us seem to want the same things: a clean ocean, everyone to
have somewhere warm and safe to sleep, a reduction of cars on the
road, keep the environment safe, people to talk to each other and so
on, but in the hands of children, the way to achieve these aims
takes us on quite different paths.
Submarines should be used to scoop all the waste from the ocean says
one, kolas should be trained to spot people doing the wrong thing n
the environment, all people coming here should be given a great big
hug, and a rollercoaster should be built above roads for people to
get to their destination more quickly. All different, unusual,
outside the box and fascinating, the ideas presented here will be
sure to prompt discussion and debate.
I love the ones that show people coming together, as with one that
suggests that all children should get together for a corroboree, or
all immigrants should be welcomed with a hug or the last one which
suggests that all leaders should be invited to bounce on a
trampoline together. The images of these, especially the last one,
conjure up kept me laughing for a while. All are fascinating,
reflecting a child's view, reducing the concerns of many Australians
to its simplest level, making the reader see that it is something
that can be overcome. But what does the reader think they would do
as prime minister? It is an open book.
Fran Knight